Source: AgriGold news release

AgriGold’s A631-08VT2RIB has eye-catching, stay-green qualities late in the season. WESTFIELD, Ind. — Every product that makes the AgriGold seed bag is backed by rigorous testing, world-class genetics and ‘boots on the ground’ experience. AgriGold’s standards are high and its focus on strategic seed placement and diverse genetics set its seed solutions apart. Twenty-one new corn hybrids with relative maturities (RMs) ranging from 82 to 120 days are in the lineup for the 2025 growing season.

“AgriGold is proud to harness the power of AgReliant Genetics, the only North American company focused solely on seed. Through this collaborative effort, AgriGold has access to a robust global breeding program, cutting-edge technologies, innovative breeding techniques, and extensive and diverse field trials,” says Steve Schany, AgriGold product brand manager. “The result is custom seed solutions farmers are confident will deliver.”

AgriGold is also launching two new trait options on a proven, reliable hybrid. Also new in the lineup for 2025 is the addition of the PowerCore Enlist trait, giving farmers more flexibility on weed control and lasting protection against aboveground pests like black cutworm and European corn borer.

Notable newcomers for corn

The corn hybrids set to debut in 2025 boast an annual yield gain of 9.4 bushels an acre over last year’s class in pre-commercial research testing, extending AgriGold’s legacy of using its elite and diverse genetics to drive yields higher year after year.1

Genetic diversity reduces risk and maximizes results. To help farmers diversify their seed choices, AgriGold classifies its hybrids into six Field GX families based on genetic background and agronomic characteristics. Standouts in the 2025 class of hybrids include:

A631-08VT2RIB (Field GX J) is a 101-day-RM product that flexes in kernel depth and has a semi-upright leaf orientation that allows farmers to match their plant populations to yield goals. It has eye-catching, stay-green qualities late in the season.

A636-42SSPRIB (Field GX H/F) is an effective tool for managing corn rootworm thanks to the belowground trait protection of SmartStaxPRO. The 106-day-RM hybrid provides a winning combination of yield and agronomics needed for corn-on-corn acres.

A640-16-3110 (Field GX A/H) pairs high-yielding genetics and disease tolerance, packaged with the Agrisure Viptera 3110 trait package for aboveground insect control. This 110-day-RM product has strong emergence and is a favorite for early planting, while its tar spot tolerance boosts its late-season appeal.

A642-32VT2RIB and Conventional (Field GX F/G) is best known for consistency and repeatability across a host of acres. The 112-day-RM product’s grain quality leaves a lasting impression.

A645-30VT2RIB (Field GX F/G) is a hat trick hybrid, bringing a rare combination of high yield, strong agronomics and superior grain quality. Offering farmers low risk and high reward, this 115-day-RM product could become a leader, covering many acres.

More choices on soybeans

AgriGold will add 14 new varieties to its soybean seed lineup in 2025, expanding farmers’ options across a wide geography. Standouts include:

AgriGold’s A645-30VT2RIB offers farmers high yield, strong agronomics and superior grain quality. G1244E3 (1.2 maturity) upgrades AgriGold’s Group I portfolio, providing excellent iron deficiency chlorosis, white mold and brown stem rot tolerance. This variety has great standability and taller soybean plants that maximize yield potential on productive acres.

G2574XF (2.5 maturity) earned its place in the lineup with its exciting top-end yield. Itยญ gives the maturity zone a disease-tolerance upgrade — especially with sudden death syndrome (SDS) and frogeye leaf spot.

G3334XF (3.3 maturity) was built to handle rugged, marginal acres and outyields its predecessor by over 3 bushels an acre in testing in pre-commercial testing. The XtendFlex soybean variety handles poorly drained soils, shows excellent SDS tolerance and performs just about anywhere.

G3404E3 (3.4 maturity) brings unique genetics to the lineup along with Peking-based soybean cyst nematode (SCN) resistance. It upgrades the SDS tolerance in this maturity zone and delivers a yield bump of 6.5 bushels an acre versus its predecessor in pre-commercial testing.

G3854E3 (3.8 maturity) has generated a lot of excitement for its broad agronomics and the massive yield bump versus some stout competition. It’s tough to find places where this Enlist E3 variety doesn’t perform.

“We recognize each farm is unique, and our agronomists help farmers customize seed choices to fit each acre,” Schany says. “The 2025 AgriGold seed products we’re bringing to market are catered to the evolving agronomic needs of our farmers and their high performance standards.”

Contact your local AgriGold agronomist or district sales manager for more details about new and existing products that can help you get the most from every acre.