What PACE Is

Post Application Coverage Endorsement provides coverage for corn farmers using “split-apply” nitrogen. A grower will receive a loss payment if a weather event prevents application of the post application (second round) of nitrogen to a field. The payment will be based on the projected yield loss caused by not applying the additional nitrogen.

What PACE Does Not Cover

Many input costs are at higher levels than their historical average and are harder to obtain. PACE does not protect against prevention of nitrogen application because of the input cost or availability.


Crop Type

Covers non-irrigated corn only

Split Nitrogen Choice

25% – 80% post application choice

Coverage Level

70% – 90% coverage level choice

Limited Availability

Available in 11 states and select counties

Endorsement Policy

Must have one base coverage:
Revenue Protection,
Revenue Protection HPE,
Yield Protection

Limited Timeframe

Coverage applies to V3-V10 corn growth stages (2-3 weeks)

Maximum Coverage

Combined claims can’t exceed 100% value of crops

Sales Close Date

Must purchase by 3/15

What Do Premium and Indemnity Look Like?

The PACE premium and indemnity calculations are extremely complex and require access to the RMA actuarials. A Risk Management Advisor can provide exact quotes on a grower’s operation and area.

Loss Reporting Requirements

You must provide a notice of loss that you were prevented from applying the post-application nitrogen within 72 hours after the end of the insurance period or within 72 hours of physically being prevented from post-applying nitrogen, whichever is later.

What is Split-Applying

To “split-apply” nitrogen, growers make two or more fertilizer applications during the growing season rather than providing all the crop’s nitrogen requirements with a single treatment prior to planting. The practice saves producers money and is considered better for natural resources according to the Risk Management Agency (RMA).

Availability of PACE

PACE is available where non-irrigated corn is insurable in all counties of Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota, and Wisconsin, and in select counties of Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, and South Dakota.

Download Our PACE Product Guide
