2018 Farm Bill Extension Expires – What Does That Mean?
By Ryan Hanarhan, University of Illinois' FarmDoc project "The Farm [...]
By Ryan Hanarhan, University of Illinois' FarmDoc project "The Farm [...]
Source: House Committee on Agriculture WASHINGTON, DC -- Yesterday, a [...]
Source: House Committee on Agriculture news release WASHINGTON, DC -- [...]
BrownfieldAgNews reports: The Congressional Budget Office has updated its financial [...]
Source: House Committee on Agriculture news release WASHINGTON, DC -- [...]
Agri-Pulse reports: Republicans pushed their $1.5 trillion farm bill through [...]
Philip Brasher, Agri-PulseAgri-Pulse reports: Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack sharply criticized [...]
Feedstuffs magazine reports: On Friday, House Agriculture Chairman Glenn "GT" [...]
Source: House Committee on Agriculture news release WASHINGTON, DC -- [...]
BrownfieldAgNews reports: The House Ag Committee has released a summary [...]