Source: Iowa Dept of Ag & Land Stewardship news release

DES MOINES, Iowa – Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig released the following statement today following Iowa Senate passage of the legislation that strengthens Iowa’s foreign ownership of farmland law:

“Iowa’s prohibition on the foreign ownership of agricultural land will continue to be a model for other states, especially with the additional deterrence, disclosure and enforcement tools that are being incorporated through passage of Senate File 2204. I applaud the Iowa Senate for quickly and overwhelmingly passing this legislation and look forward to the Iowa House sending this bill to Governor Reynolds for her signature in the near future.”

About the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship

Led by Secretary Mike Naig, the Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship serves the rural and urban residents that call Iowa home. Through its 14 diverse bureaus, the Department ensures animal health, food safety and consumer protection. It also promotes conservation efforts to preserve our land and enhance water quality for the next generation. Learn more at