by Tyne Morgan,
Wheat harvest wrapped up on Tom Waters’ field in Orrick, Mo. nearly a week ago, but what happened after harvest is creating quite the buzz among Taylor Swift fans across the country.
What some may view as a blank space, the harvested wheat field is an opportunity that one man decided to turn into a work of art.
“This time of the year, wheat is a phenomenal canvas for us to work in,” says Rob Stouffer, owner of Precision Mazes. “This sits on 25 acres and we are molting about 6.3 acres today.”
The Mastermind Behind Precision Mazes
Stouffer is the mastermind behind it all. He started with corn mazes 23 years ago. Today, Precision Mazes is crafting masterpieces across the U.S., earning the title of the king of crop art.
“Mazes are our core business, but we’re growing in the area of crop art,” says Stouffer. “We look at crop art as a marketing tool for growers.”
Knowing Waters from past precision projects, Stouffer reached out in search of a field of harvested wheat.
“I knew Waters’ fields were flat, and I knew he took great care of them,” says Stouffer. “Tom has been exceptional to work with and his field has proven to be an outstanding canvas.”
Bouncing around a couple ideas, the team at Precision Mazes came up with several renditions. They took a poll of 50 friends and clients and landed on a tribute and welcome message to Taylor Swift.
To read the entire report click here.