Source: National Corn Growers Association news release
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service today proposed listing the Monarch butterfly as a threatened species. The threatened designation proposal for the monarch butterfly reflects the need for strong conservation measures while maintaining regulatory flexibility that balances species protection with existing land uses.
This proposed listing initiates a 90-day public comment period, ending March 12, 2025. During that time, growers’ voices will be critical in shaping the final rule, anticipated to be finalized in late 2025, and any restrictions placed on activities that may affect monarchs.
“As corn growers, we look forward to providing input on how we can protect Monarch butterflies without disrupting critical agricultural activities that help fuel and feed the world,” said Illinois farmer and NCGA President Kenneth Hartman Jr.
The Endangered Species Act provides U.S. government agencies the authority to evaluate the conservation status of species and offers legal protections to those listed as endangered or threatened.
In 2014, a petition was accepted to list the monarch butterfly as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act.