Source: House Committee on Agriculture
WASHINGTON, DC — Yesterday, following the release of the Further Continuing Appropriations and Disaster Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2025, House Committee on Agriculture Chairman Glenn “GT” Thompson (PA-15) issued the following statement:
“The bill released this evening provides much needed relief for agriculture, including $10B in emergency economic aid, which will help address the significant losses incurred due to both weather and market related issues. This addition of economic support is an important financial bridge, one that will help mitigate the severe downturn in the agricultural economy.
“Looking ahead to the 119th Congress, I hope to move quickly to enact a five-year farm bill that aligns the farm safety net with the needs of producers, among many other policies, to minimize the need for annual economic aid.
“I appreciate the partnership of incoming-Chairman Boozman, as well as Members and stakeholders, all who quickly and effectively highlighted the needs in farm country. These tireless efforts will lessen much of the stress for the men and women who fight to produce the food, fiber, and fuel that sustains our great nation.”