Team Support Done Better.
Crop insurance is vastly complicated and requires a team to assist large operations. No single agent can provide all the services and support you need. Precision Risk Management backs up your policies with a team of experts employed by PRM. Your Risk Management Advisor and Sales Support Team (SST) will be working hand in hand to give you more immediate and more comprehensive support.

Carlyle Halvorson

Nicole Nelson
What the Sales Support Team Does For You
Sales Support Highlighted Services:
- Policy reviews and implementation
- Policy option recommendations
- Fast multi-option quoting
- New RMA coverages options alerts
- FSA/government program support
- Precision mapping
- APH Rehabโข

Sales Support is Another Contact for all Your Needs

Your Risk Management Advisor is backed by a full team of support to better serve you. When Your Risk Management Advisor is not available Sales Support will be there for you. They are the policy gurus to guide you. Any questions you have, they have answers. When you have a notice of loss, they can handle your notice of loss.
They are also your liaison with the rest of the company. They will help line up all other services available to you such as precision technology set-up and support. If the federal program changes in any, they will inform you how it is going to affect your policy. Finally, they are your problem solvers.