There are a ton of rules and requirements with the federal crop insurance program. It is almost impossible for a grower to know them all and keep up to date on all the changes.

PRM is here to help farmers navigate the key dates and requirements for different parts of crop insurance for Spring.

Grower Crop Insurance Responsibilities:

Seek Consent Before Making Crop Determinations: To not put any payments at risk you need to notify and obtain consent before doing any of these things:

  • Destroying crop
  • Replanting
  • Abandoning crop
  • Put crop to alternative use

Notification of Any Loss:  The insurance provider needs to file loss claims within a certain amount of time depending on the claim. The policy holder needs to inform the insurance provider of losses as soon as possible.

Key Policy Details on Losses: 

Prevent Plant:

  • Certain conditions prevented you from planting when needed
  • The cause of loss needs to be conditions affecting the general area (county) and not farm specific
  • For the first policy year, an insured cause prevented planting on or after 3/15
  • If it is a new county, the intended acres must have been reported by 3/15
  • Must be at least 20 acres or 20% of the crop acreage, whichever is less
  • Area must have been planted and/or insured in at lease 1 of the last 3 years
  • 72-hour loss reporting deadline
  • Claims can’t be turned in until after the Final Plant Date for the crop


  • Acres damaged by an insured cause 
  • Must have been planted been on or after earliest plant date
  • Adjuster must determine it is practical to replant
  • Must be at least 20 acres or 20% of the crop unit, whichever is less
  • Bushel/acre must be less than 90% of the per acre production guarantee for the acreage the insured intends to replant
  • 72-hour loss reporting deadline

Replanting Payments Calculations:


  •  8 bu. x $4.58 (Projected Price) x 1.0 Share = $36.64/Acre


  •  3 bu. x $11.87 (Projected Price) x 1.0 Share = $35.61/Acre

The amount of payment/acre is proportional to the share rental basis. For example, if a grower has a .667 share, they will only receive 66.7% of the maximum payment.

Key Dates

  • Sales Closing Date 3/15 (Passed for 2021)
  • Production Reporting Date 4/29 (Passed for 2021)
  • Acreage Reporting Date 7/15
  • Premium Billing to Growers 9/1
  • Premium Due 10/1. Interest starts accumulating on 10/2