To get the best crop insurance coverage for their operation, farmers need to start the process today. The completed application deadline for the federal crop insurance program for most grain crops in the Midwest is March 15th. “To properly analyze the policy for each crop year, and in turn only pay for the coverage you need, you can’t delay any longer”, says Jeff Svennes, CEO of PRM.

Crop insurance should never be a one size fits all decision. Each operation is different and has different needs. Those needs may change from one year to the next. “Ask yourself has the world changed? Has your farm not changed at all? Your farming practices? If the answer is yes, then I think it raises a question of do you have the right insurance coverage today,” said Don Preusser, President.  

Precision Risk Management devotes the time to get to know a grower’s operation on a personal level. A PRM Advisor will come to the farm to assist in determining what is the right coverage options for the operation. They will work to find the correct risk tolerance to keep premiums as low possible for the maximum protection. In order to adequately go through this process, it needs to start today.

PRM will also ensure proper set up of precision technology. PRM’s Data Specialist will come on-farm to have a hands-on set up to ensure accurate planting and harvest data. Precision technology has reduced premiums up to 7% ensuring farmers only pay for actual planted acres. PRM wants to help protect growers and their investments starting today. “Our priority to the farmer is that we never lose one to financial trouble. If they embrace our product and we’re doing what we’ve been asked to do, we never want to see one lose money,” said Svennes.