Multi-Peril Crop Insurance.

Multi-Peril Crop Insurance.

Multi-Peril Crop Insurance (MPCI) products are a type of crop insurance that provide coverage for multiple types of crop damage caused by a variety of perils. MPCI policies typically provide coverage for yield or revenue losses. Yield coverage compensates farmers for a loss of crop yield due to the covered perils, while revenue coverage compensates farmers for a loss of revenue due to a decline in crop prices or a decrease in expected yield.
Yield Protection
Yield Protection (YP)
Yield protection crop insurance is a type of insurance that protects farmers against losses in crop yields due to natural disasters or other unforeseen events. It compensates farmers for a portion of the loss of revenue resulting from a decrease in crop yield.
Revenue Protection
Revenue Protection (RP)
Revenue protection crop insurance is a type of insurance that protects farmers against losses in revenue due to natural disasters or other unforeseen events. It compensates farmers for a portion of the loss of revenue resulting from a decrease in crop price or yield, or both.
Post Application Coverage Endorsement
Post Application Coverage EndorsementPACE
Post Application Coverage Endorsement provides coverage for corn farmers using โ€œsplit-applyโ€ nitrogen. A grower will receive a loss payment if a weather event prevents application of the post application (second round) of nitrogen to a field. The payment will be based on the projected yield loss caused by not applying the additional nitrogen.
Margin Protection
Margin ProtectionMP
Margin Protection, also called MP, guarantees you will maintain your desired operating margin. It covers against an unexpected decrease in operating margin (revenue less input costs).

Enhanced Coverage Option
Enhanced Coverage OptionECO
ECO is a supplemental insurance that offers farmers an extra layer of protection against crop losses. This new endorsement provides insurance coverage to a previous gap on the top end of county revenue losses that canโ€™t be covered any other way in the federal program.

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